Wills and Probate

Drafting and executing your will

At John OʼLeary Solicitors LLP we offer a full service when it comes to your Wills and
Probate needs. We can advise you in relation to all aspects of inheritance rights and
surrounding issues. We can draft your will and store it on our premises for safekeeping.


Probably one of the most important decisions in life, making a will should not be put off until later in life. If you fail to make a valid will, your estate will be divided up under intestacy provisions of the Succession Act 1965. This may not be accordance with your wishes. It is important for people with young children to make a will appointing testamentary guardians, and it is also important to update your will as your life and financial circumstances change. Contact us for advice and assistance in drafting or updating your will.


Perhaps you have been appointed an executor and are not sure whether you will have the time and experience to extract a Grant of Probate or a loved one has died with no will and you need to obtain a Grant of Administration Intestate. This can be a long and burdensome process. We aim to provide a stress free and efficient service at an affordable price. We can also handle the sale of any property contained within the estate.

Enduring Power Of Attorney

An Enduring Power of attorney is a legal device that can be set up by a person (the donor) during his/her life when he/she is in good mental health. It allows another specially appointed person (the attorney) to take actions on the donorʼs behalf if he/she becomes mentally incapacitated (for example, because of illness, disability or a progressive degenerative illness). Normally, when someone becomes mentally incapacitated, all of their assets and property are frozen and cannot be used by anyone else unless they are jointly owned. If you have concerns that you may become mentally incapacitated in the future it may be advisable that you grant someone power of attorney to deal with your property, money or care decisions.

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